6H and 3H team up for paired reading

Ahead of FJS book week, 3H and 6H had a lovely session of paired reading. 6H gave out reading tips and shared their favourite authors with their partners.

3H investigate capacity

Playing in the World Cup final, working in our classroom; both thirsty work! Today 3H investigated the capacity of their water bottles, to see how much water they are drinking. First 3H predicted the capacity and then they had to accurately measure, reading the scale very carefully. Back in the classroom we used up number line skills to work out the difference between the two amounts.



3H Roman Storytelling Experience

3H had a brilliant Roman storytelling experience today, which all took place in a very exciting tent on the field. We learnt all about the story of Romulus and Remus and how the city of Rome was born. The stories told us about different Roman gods and their special powers; Mars, the god of war, Neptune, the god of the sea and Venus, the god of love.

Before we could hear these exciting stories we had to earn it by answering a riddle! See how you get on with the one below:

There was once a rich emperor of Rome, every night he took a sip of wine from his golden cup. One night his slave told him it had been stolen, everyone in the palace said it wasn’t them. He summoned a very wise women and she asked everyone and they said no. She went into the garden and fetched sticks that were all the same size. She said this were magic sticks and the guilty person’s stick will grow 2cm over night. The next morning everyone lined up with their sticks and the wise women picked a girl out as the thief of the golden cup. Even though the stick had not grown, she had picked out the girl who was indeed the thief.
How did she know it was the girl?
Ellie-May worked out the correct answer!

As well as fantastic stories being told to us, we had the chance train as gladiators. Games which tested our balance and strength, both important skills needed by gladiators!



