Disco Time

Phase One a Roadshow can come every week for extra physical fitness lessons, aka the school disco. Most parents may be curled up on the sofa in blissful peace and quiet tonight but the wonderful parents of  the PTA are here at the Summer Disco ensuring safe, but loud, fun! 

If you were here, and loved it, leave a comment.

3W see the Solar Eclipse

3W had a great view through the classroom window of the solace eclipse while it happened this morning. The clouds parted to allow a view of the moon as it eclipsed the sun. 

We discussed the event as well as looking at Newsround and finding out even more interesting information. The class created their own eclipse pictures and wrote about what happened. 

3W’s curiosity cafe

This morning 3W had our curiosity cafe based on numeracy.  We read the book How Big is a Million by Anna Milbourne and Serena Riglietti and found out that a million is a vey big number. As well as answering lots of questions about the book the class completed a trail around school. There was lots of estimating, calculating and a real buzz about the trail.